
Este espaço foi criado pela necessidade percepcionada pelo grupo de trabalho orientador e imediatamente considerado  pertinente e motivador por todos os restantes elementos. Pretendeu-se, por um lado, desenvolver as competências  comunicacionais em Língua Inglesa e, por outro lado, promover o conhecimento dos contextos de destino priorizados. 

À data, foram realizadas as sessões previstas. A iniciativa terá continuidade no presente ano letivo, com periodicidade  quinzenal.


Seguem-se as sessões já realizadas:  

SPEAKERS CORNER #1 (03/05/2021) - Learning about Finland

"Welcome to our Erasmus teamwork. 

Maybe you already know Finland or maybe you don't! 

Can you share with our team what you find interesting about Finland? It won't take long. Just think for a minute and answer freely. 

Our team's success depends on your input.

Thank you for the effort." 


SPEAKERS CORNER #2 (27/05/2021) - Communication Skills - speaking and listening exercises 

“To our next meeting we have a very funny challenge for you. 

Please select a song - in english - with a lyric that you like for some reason. 

Choose a verse (or more) that you would especially like to share with us.” 


SPEAKERS CORNER #3 (17/06/2021) - Communication Skills - Speaking and listening exercises 

“Dear Erasmus Team, 

We just want to remember you that tomorrow, 17th of June, we will have our next gathering! 

On our last meeting we agreed that we will be talking about movies 

Choose a movie that you would especially like to share with us. “


SPEAKERS CORNER #4 (13/01/2022) - Estonian Team

"Dear Estonian Team,

For this next Speakers Corner, we'll be playing a fun word game named "Coffee Pot".

It would be nice if you could read the game instructions before our meeting (attached to this email).

See you tomorrow!"


SPEAKERS CORNER #5 (19/01/2022) - Estonian Team

"Dear Erasmus Team,

We are now focusing on our Estonian team-mates English proficiency, so this next Speakers Corner remains only for those who are traveling to Tallinn.
Nevertheless, we want you all to be aware of what's going on, the practiced exercises and documents created.
So, we are attaching to this email a few documents and an Estonian Educational System Prezi presentation: A Educação na Estónia - Caminhos para o Sucesso
Read the documents at your own pace and feel free to share your comments.
Tomorrow, our Estonian Team session will be about:
  • Introducing a team-mate
  • Asking and giving directions
Hope you all enjoy this journey and see you tomorrow, Estonian team."
SPEAKERS CORNER #6 (27/01/2022) - Estonian Team 
"Tere hommikust!

Good morning, Erasmus teammates!
The Estonian team was invited to another Speakers Corner meeting.
Our agenda for today is:
- Asking for directions / giving directions;
- Ilda's sing along challenge.
We are  also developing our research about Estonia and its language (with the aim of simplifying daily routines over there).
We will keep in touch and update information.
Varsti näeme! (See you soon!)"
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